Stomach Muscles

I've slowly been loosing control over my stomach muscles. As they get stretched out, I'm having to find creative ways to lay back, sit up, and sneeze.
The nurses at the doctor's office are very thoughtful about a pregnant woman's inability to use her stomach muscles. At every check up, they help me lay back, and then extend their arm like a lever so I can pull myself back up.
However, during this last visit, the nurse forgot to help me after checking the baby's heartbeat. At first, I didn't say anything. I thought, "I can do it!" and tried to sit up myself. But the office bed was too narrow to rollover on and so I was stuck.
Dwayne sat next to my bed engrossed in a magazine. I lay there for a second with my arms and legs wriggling like a plump bug on it's back before he noticed me.
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking at me as if I were crazy, because evidently I have never explained to him that I can't use my stomach muscles anymore.
"I can't get up!" I said, still wriggling.
My dear, beloved husband sat there unmoved. "Why not?"
"Because my stomach muscles don't work!" I retorted, loosing my patience. By that time the nurse returned, saw me wiggling helplessly, and immediately came to my rescue.
"Oh! I'm sorry, do you want to sit up?" She said, offering me her arm.
I don't blame Dwayne. There are so many strange and amazing things going on with my body these days, he can barely keep up.
Right now we are both totally fascinated with seeing the baby move under my skin.
"It's kind of like that scene from the Matrix, were they suck the bug out of Neo's stomach," Dwayne told a friend.
He's right. It is kind of like that, but not nearly as gross.;-)
Twenty-seven weeks and counting!
Yea!Yea!Yea! Thanks for the new picture. I'm still laughing from the first time you told me that story! :D
it IS kind of like the Matrix! :) I love how the midwives help me up like that--definitely appreciated. and you are SO cute!
Christin you look soooo beautiful! Love it, thanks for updating with a pic!
it is so alien-esque, eh!? childbearing is exhausting, but so miraculous!
can't wait to see your gal, she's sure to be a cutie!
Christin you look absolutely beautiful. I pray that you can enjoy the blessings of pregnancy. It is such a miracle. I have 16 days left and am feeling wonderful and greatly blessed. ~ Lori
Your belly is so cute!!
Hi Tin! You are such a beautiful prenant mom to be!! I love getting these updates on your life! and am so excited for you and dwayne and your new daughter!!
ps. keep me posted on the color of your nursery
Don't you mean 17 weeks??
Ahhh the fun memories of pregnancy... You look so great, BTW. :)
I was at a prenatal exercise class this week, and the instructor said to contract our abs...if we could feel them. I was so confused at the time because I can still feel them. Apparently that is one of the "wonders" of pregnancy I have yet to experience. :)
Thanks for all the compliments! I'm going to be strutting around the apartment for a week!;-)
Corrie - I'm really interested to see what this baby is going to look like. I hope she has Dwayne's good skin and perfect teeth!
Lori - Congratulations on your second baby! I had no idea you and Marty were expecting again. I hope you are having fun settling back in Marion!
Sarah F - Glad I could clear up the confusion.:-)
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